Whoa, got your attention I hope. Just to clarify, we aren't all these things all the time (some people may be), but we have all been convicted of these charges at one point or another.
Do you ever struggle with the fact that some people are deciding what their next big purchase will be while they drive by people sleeping on the streets?
I don't get it. AT ALL.
I know that I am guilty of not giving enough and supplying my needs before those of others, but I don't understand how we as Americans can look past the needs of others.
I see this firsthand constantly and not just in my own life. I work with professional athletes. I've seen some decide which $15,000 wristwatch to buy and then ignore the needs of those around them. I've watched some roll in on $10,000 rims and then stiff those who supply their needs. I'm not saying that the rich are the only guilty ones but I am saying that they are the most capable of stopping poverty. And before you think you're off the hook, rich doesn't just mean professional athlete rich. I'm talking Americans who drive more than one car, live in houses, own a cell phone, and have a meal everyday. We are all rich compared to the struggling world around us
We ALL have the responsibility to do something.
Please, take the time today to help someone who is not as financially stable as you are. Whether it's lending your talents or gifts, rolling down your window and giving them that extra burger you bought at lunch, donating money to your cause of choice, or meeting the request of someone in your church. Do something that will not only change their life, but will also revamp yours.
Give Freely,
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