Catalyst 2009

Catalyst is the most innovative and dynamic conferences in the church today.

I wish I could be there, but I can tell you I am pumped to watch the backstage events and anything else that is going to come from this conference. Something great comes out of this conference every year and I can't wait to watch it progress this week.

If you are a church leader: what are you looking forward to from Catalyst 09?; whether you are there or not.

Also, what conferences have you/do you plan on attending in the future?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude! i only heard about catalyst through twitter...looks crazy awesome! I hope it def. impacts leaders to be passionate like crazy full on rapids passionate for Christ--that is what I am praying for myself as well.

I'm actually going to urbana '09!! I'm so pumped dude. have you heard of it? it's a student missions conference.

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