What's On Your Life Playlist?

What is it about music that turns our soul? How can a person begin to sing and change the mood of a room in a matter of seconds? What is it about music that causes us to never get sick of the same 7 notes?

I believe music is a spiritual approach at sending a message. Whether secular, religious, or tribal all music is a shout from the inside of our heart. Secular music exemplifies the human desire to find love, have more, and express pride. Religious music is obviously an expression of worship to a religions' god or the Christian God. Tribal music is an attempt to reach the higher levels of being beyond oneself.

There is something about music that hits us right in the heart every time. The melodies begin to consume us. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? That example alone lets us in on the everlasting impact music has on us. You don't even have to be listening intently to get a song stuck in your head, but for some reason the words and melodies cling to your memory.

I believe that because music influences our everyday life so drastically, then we must be wise in what we choose. We should decide to listen to music that will promote wholesome life. It doesn't always have to be Christian. Secular music can speak to your life in many ways that Christian music does and too be honest there is a lot of low-budget Christian music out there. (Yeah, I said it.) The one essential in every life soundtrack is Worship music. Nothing can or ever will compare to the songs of those lost in reverent worship towards our creator. Nothing moves the soul, calls us to action, and boost our spirit quite like worship.

I truly believe in the influence of music. I'm not here to tell you that secular music is terrible because I listen to it often. I just want you to be aware that the same songs that get stuck in your head are the ones that your kids are listening to and learning from. They are the ones the best friend you are trying to get church thinks you listen to. They are the ones that define your personality and express your character.

What's stuck in your head?


p.s.-Thanks to Sam Frederick for his insight on this topic.
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I was doing my daily devotion yesterday and came across a passage of scripture that gave me new perspective.

John 15:18-27

I really like the way The Message titles this passage, "Hated By The World". To me this is incredible. It sums up Jesus entire time on this Earth. When he arrived in the manager he was hated by Herod and when he was nailed to the cross it was due to the Pharisees hate. Even today Jesus is hated by those that see Christianity as stupidity.

In this passage, the part that stuck with me the most is that Jesus says "servants don't get better treatment than their masters" (v. 20). He is letting the disciples know that life is not going to be easy just because they are following the Son of God. He is basically telling them that no matter what they do, people will hate them.

I think as Christians in todays world we have to gain perspective on this teaching. No matter how many mouths we feed, people we clothe, and kids we get off the streets; the world will inevitably hate us. There will always be someone who calls us "close-minded" and "radical". We have to understand that this is the world we live in. There will be those who love and care for us as the church, but there will also be those who are out to silence our voice. We have to love those who love us and love those who hate us. We don't need to start revolts, picket people, and boycott stores to stand up against sin. We need to love those that don't know Christ and stay close to those who do. We need to voice our opinions in public arenas and take a stand with the lawmakers of this nation. We don't need to be pushovers but at the same time we don't need to become like those who hate us.

If you take anything from this take this:

The world will hate us, but we should never hate the world. Love the world and pray for it. Treat it as though it's always on the brink of a revival of Christ. Don't forget that "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son..."

Don't Hate,
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CRAM Night

I am so stoked for an event we have on Sunday.

Sunday night @ 5pm, during our regular DEVOyouthCHURCH service, we will be having CRAM night. The point of CRAM night is to have all of our of students and leaders invite as many people as they know so we can CRAM them into the youth room. It's going to be a very fun night. We'll have some really cool games, awesome prizes, food (always a plus), and if 100 people come one of our leaders, Darrel, will shave his head. Oh, and I forgot to mention that if 130 people show up I am going to shave my precious locks.

It's going to be an incredible night, but not just because the numbers are up...

This night motivates students to bring their friends to the youth ministry and then we get a chance to speak into their lives. I hope the students love the events of the night but most of all I pray that they walk away wanting more. I hope they see that church can be fun and learning about Jesus doesn't have to put them to sleep. I believe students are the most exciting and fun people in the world so the gospel should be taught to them in exciting and fun ways. I hope the students remember what it was like to be in a youth room with 130 of their friends, worshiping God and going all out for Him. I know that if 130 kids show up I am going to do everything I can to get them back the next service to hear more about Christ.

I believe this event may be the best one we've ever had. I also believe that it will cause life change. Just because we are playing games and eating doesn't mean that students won't hear about Jesus. I expect the Spirit to move just as he would at a camp or retreat. It's time to shake up the youth of the east valley and allow God to meet them where they're at.

What events do you do to not only increase the energy of your service but to reach the lost?

Do you ever stress that the youth or adults in your church need to invite their friends?

I Can't Wait,

Dust It Off

There's something about the way it speaks to you...

I have began to read the Bible the entire way through for the first time in my life.

I bought "Pause", the year read-through Message Bible and I'm loving it. I have missed so much. I've sat in church almost twice every week since I was born but there is so much I've never heard. I can't believe how the Bible speaks to me in new and different ways each time I read it. It tends to hit me right where I'm at.

God uses His word to speak. Oh man, does it speak. I am shaken to the core when I read something that someone experienced thousands of years ago that relates to where I am today. I am given examples of lives that are lived close to God and lives that are far off His way. I see that God uses the screw-ups before He uses the "goody-goods". His word is like no other. The parts I used to abandon and shrug off as unimportant are the parts that resonate in my soul.

The wonders of creation are breathtaking, the formation of Israel is incredible, Jesus ministry journey is prophetic, Moses life is inspiring. I'm only 22 days into my Bible but everything I have read so far is speaking directly to my heart. God is teaching me so many new things through His word.

The only thing that upsets me is that I've had this knowledge at my fingertips the entire time I've been able to read and I've never done anything with it. I've had God's written word for my life in front of me and instead I've been waiting for a miraculous sign.

Read your Bible. It's His word. It allows you to sit down each day and be mentored by the greatest teacher of all. Get into Gods word!

I'm Way Better At Sword Drills,
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He's Just a Man

Please go check out this article...

"Obama is Like Biblical Joshua..."

Things are getting carried away. I don't want to stand on a soapbox here but just give me a chance to speak. Obama is a man. He is a man who, to my knowledge, has never done any miracles. He has never parted an ocean. Shoot I don't even know if he's led people into a land flowing with milk and honey.

I know what people are trying to say when they compare him to Bible heroes of old, but come on. I strive to be like Moses, Joshua, David, Paul, but the only way that I can be compared to them is if God chooses to use me in their ways. Obama is not a Bible character. He is an African-American who is now president of the U.S. I like the comment toward the end of the article. It puts it simply ..."America is looking colorblind". We can simply look at people as people. He's not the black Jesus. He is another man that the ultimate King Jesus died on a cross for 2000 years ago. God had no color in mind, he did what he did for all.

I just wish that our new president would put and end to the way people admire him as a savior. He talks about his faith, why not be humble enough to make it clear that he is nothing like the true Messiah?

He's Not Jesus,

P.S.-I promise I will get off my political soapbox tomorrow.

President Barack Obama

I am excited for today. I know that many people fear Barack Obama and are scared that he will ruin the nation, but I know this won't be the case. I'm not saying that I agree with all his viewpoints or that I even supported him to begin with. I know now that he is our president and because I am an American and I love my country, it is my responsibility to support him in prayer.

He is taking on a huge burden as he enters the oval office and for that I can respect him. He has been open about faith and for that I commend him. I truly cannot judge his heart, so even when his standards seem "unchristian" I can't be the one to judge him. I hope with everything inside me that he finds a good church in Washington and that he spends time before God everyday. If he does, than I trust that God will lead Him according to His will.

We need to pray. We need to be bold in what we believe and stand up for our values, but we also need to pray. When things leave our control they still remain in the hands of God. We always get the last word. There is extreme power in our prayer. We need to pray for President Obama and trust that above all else, God is directing our country.

History is made today. Not only in Washington but also across the world. I trust that for the first time Christians will unite and trust that God is in control. That for a moment we will throw away all ill feelings we have toward our President and realize that he needs our prayers.

I encourage you to pray for President Bush as well. I don't care how you feel about him. Thank God that our country is still free and still in His hands.

America has made more history than any other nation throughout time. I believe that our faith in God sets a bigger precedent than any event that has taken place. Remember that as long as our nation is "under God", he has everything under control.

I Love This Land,

Retreat Recap

Wrapping up this weekend could take up my entire blog page so I decided that I am going to limit this to 3 points. This weekend was amazing in so many ways but these three are what stood out to me the most:

1. Being a leader was weird for me.
This is my first time at a winter retreat as a leader and not as a student. It was the weirdest thing to me. Last year I was at the altar beginning my journey in ministry and this retreat I am a year into it. I still think I was the most immature person in my room. My antics included late night iphone fart apps, waking people up randomly, being the last one asleep. I can't wait to take a youth group to an event like this as a youth pastor.

2. God met us right where we were.
When I say us I mean everyone. This may have been the most intense Winter Retreat in our church history. This weekend wasn't all about the students, and that's not a bad thing. God met leaders and students alike in their places of need. I know that God called me to step up in areas of my life and I know that other leaders had very real encounters with God as well. He changed lives forever and this won't be a retreat that simply fades into a memory. I believe this experience will be recalled by our students and leaders for a long, long time.

3. DEVOyouthCHURCH has the best students in the world.
I am so thankful for the students that we have in our youth group. Every single kid has something about them that makes them incredible. They all know what it means to love like Christ and truly respect one another. We are extremely blessed with our students. They get along, focus on God, and know how to make someone laugh. They are great people with endless potential. I can't wait to see where God takes each and every one.

Winter Retreat 2009 was a huge success and I can't wait to see the effects of the life change that occurred this weekend.


I'm Awesome!

How often do you tell yourself that you're awesome?

I was in my Biblical Counseling class last night and this point was brought up. My professor told us that we need to compliment ourselves daily on an average of 80 times.

Are you serious, man? I have a problem accepting that I can do something right!

What he went on to say made so much sense. He began to explain how it is impossible for a person to help someone else grow if they don't know themselves. How can we touch someones heart if we can't even get to our own? He taught that we need to understand what we are good at and the kind of person we are beyond our works, in order to bless others.

This made so much sense to me!

I walk around trying to make everyone feel great about themselves but I have missed the point for years. I am blessed. I am great at some things. I suck at others. The talent and skills I am good at are a gift from God and I can be confident in them. I need to feel good about what I do more often. It's not arrogance, it's understanding who God has made me and take pride in it. I know this is an area that I need to on work immensely, but I know it will be a quick progress. Now that I understand the importance of knowing myself before I can truly know others, I will work as hard as I can to get to a point of self knowledge.

I'm ok with being ok at something, but when I'm good, I know it.

Know Yourself,

Go Away!

Winter Retreat is this weekend. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for this, but I will try to anyways...

This is the most important event of the year for our youth group. We go up north for a couple days and take some time to get alone with our great God. I think this retreat has the potential to be the most dynamic weekend we've had. God is going to show up in HUGE ways. We are going to deal with some heavy stuff and I know we are going to see life change.

I don't think anything excites me more than the idea of students taking time to meet God and have Him shake them up. This weekend is intentional and I strongly believe God will honor those who take time for Him.

So, think. When is the last time you've gotten away from the hustle and bustle of life and chilled with God? Maybe you have been so tightly knit to your phone, computer, tv, spouse, kids, etc. that you've totally forgotten that God is with you always. I get this feeling sometimes that it's as if he is constantly tapping on our shoulders and we shrug Him off and tell Him to go away. He just wants our attention. He wants to tell us He loves us. He wants us to know that everything is ok. He wants to give us a comfort and love that is unmatchable. What do we do? Tell Him to back off and we'll get to Him later. I don't think we understand that we can break His heart. That He feels and loves in the same way we do. He doesn't need us but it hurts Him when we reject His love.

Take some time to get alone. When he taps on your shoulder turn around and talk to Him. Let Him pick you up and love you. Don't get to caught up in what you are doing and forget that he is the reason you are here in the first place. Retreat! Get alone with God and prepare for you life to never be the same again!

Enjoy His Presence,

God Isn't Boring!

I was in class the other night and we started talking about mediocre churches. Of course, me being me, I had to chime in with my two cents.

Who in the World is crappy enough that they can make the Gospel boring, and why in the world are some churches ok with being average? Now, I admitted that this may sound arrogant and then I went further and said I don't care. I feel so strongly about this topic that I can speak my mind and not feel like I am doing something wrong.

I do not understand how any church/preacher can make the Gospel seem boring. I have been to churches where I have been bored and I simply don't get it. I don't care if you have lights, projectors, fog, etc. I just believe there is nothing worse than making the most intriguing, life changing, message in history boring. I truly believe you are doing God wrong if you can possibly make His Gospel boring.

Also I don't understand why some people are ok with being ok. I'm not saying that we are all perfect but I am saying that we should all strive to be. It doesn't matter if you have 25 people that attend your church every week. The thing is that you should strive for 27 the next week, and then 29, and then 31...

Do you get what I'm saying? I know that no one will get it right every time. I understand that completely; but for some reason I don't get how you can miss it year after year. If you are in a place of leadership at a church you are chosen by God to spread His Word to all creation how can you be ok with the same group every week? How can you possibly put together a message that lulls people to sleep? I know I am still learning and have a ton to grow. I'm sure at some point I will preach a message that is boring, but I pray it never happens. I pray that I never get to a point where I'm content in ministry. I always want to have the fire to reach more people and see more life change. God is not boring.

Thanks for letting me rant now go fight boring people.

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Follow Up

There is something about following up with a first time student that I enjoy.  I think for one it is the chance to be able to connect with someone who may have never been a part of the church.  The other would be the chance of getting that student back to the church to have the Gospel spoken to them again.  Something about contacting and connecting with first time students is awesome.  

I know that some churches struggle with this but for our youth ministry it's been as simple as a quick myspace/facebook message letting the student know that we are excited he or she came and informing them of some upcoming events.  It seems that a quick message really makes a student feel like they matter.  I truly believe students are searching for someone who cares.  When we can share the love of Christ with someone and let them know that we are there for them we make way for God to truly impacts lives.  Students are searching for that feeling.  They try to associate themselves with groups by what they wear, listen to, watch.  Almost everything a student does seems to be in search of belonging.  If we can show a student that we noticed them as they walked through our doors,  if that student doesn't feel like just another face in the crowd, we've done a good job with follow up.  

I believe strongly that follow up is crucial.  Not just to get someone back in your seat but to show someone Jesus by making them feel like more than a number.  

What does your church do for follow up?  Do you feel it is a crucial part of ministry?

We're More Than A Number,

What A Trip

I'm back. In the 480 that is.

Berkeley was an amazing trip. It was so much more than I expected. All I had heard of the Bay Area is that it is full of liberals and people choosing to live alternative lifestyles. What a terrible perception. Although both of those accusations may be true, the demography is so much more. All I could see in the Bay Area were people that are seeking. They are all looking for something more. These are people that are planning the world of tomorrow but still don't grasp the God of Old. They are real people, that live real lives, in the real world. They are the innovators, world changers, protesters, and activist. They are the bold. They stand for what they believe and believe in what they stand for. Though they may have been led way off the course of God I can't help but think about their passion. What if the passion they have for their false gods and sinful lifestyles can be turned into a passion for the most high God? What if Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco became the sight of a world changing revival?

Who are we to say it is impossible?

We tend to make sin bigger than God. We are scared to confront it and tend to just let it happen. We get into a mindset that we can't stop it so instead we try to isolate it. We push it into certain countries, regions, and cities. We think that if we contain it eventually it will just go away.

Think again.

We need to infiltrate. We have to do something. We have to fight evil with love. We have to welcome the sinner with open arms. We have to truly love the person and hate the bond of sin. We are the portrayal of Christ to today's world. Shouldn't we show the love he did? Shouldn't we try to sow His seed in the Bay Area instead of condemning it's people. I was truly challenged by my trip. I pray that Pastor's Earl and Janet Creps have the hand of God in their work. That they prove the critics wrong. That their church will thrive in an area of overwhelming sin. That everything that is about to happen is for the glory of God! I know that my God is bigger than any evil. Wait until he rocks the Bay Area.

Don't Underestimate Him,
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Don't Be A Mooch

We're all so diverse aren't we?

I'm sitting in my gate at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and the people watching is unlike anywhere else. It gets me excited for heaven. There are different styles, different, races, ages, hair styles, accessories. Everybody is so different but we still all remain connected. We are all created in the image of God but yet we can be very separate, unique people. I can't tell if a person is a Christian or not based on what they look like, that is the best part. I could be sitting next to the same people that will be worshiping with me in Heaven.

We all have different priorities, we are all flying to the bay area for different reasons, but we are all serving the same God. Before you mark me off as new age just know that I'm not one to say that all gods are The God but I do believe that whether a person acknowledges it or not, we are all serving God.

The key is that we can choose to serve God well, or choose to just mooch off of Him.

He has blessed us with His Earth, His wealth, His abundance. So this presents us with a choice to either serve Him and show gratefulness or to simply mooch off of Him until we die. We're all in His homeland. Every single person that is sitting with me in this airport belongs to God. It doesn't matter if they believe in a false god or no God at all. The great thing about God is that we get to choose. We have a choice of what we wear, what we look like, who we become, and we have a choice to serve Him or to mooch off of Him.

There is no way around it. God is in charge.

Don't Be A Mooch,
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I'm A Nerd.

I can't believe where God has taken me. For some reason I landed in a Starbucks after Transit last night and it got me to thinking...

What has happened to me.

I mean this is a good way though. After my visit to Starbucks to listen to a podcast, I found my self driving across the street to see if Barnes and Noble was open. What am I becoming?

I've went from Sporting Goods store to bookstores, house parties to coffee shops, weightlifting to book reading, sports freak to computer nerd.

The transformation God has made in my life blows my mind. Don't get me wrong, I still love sports, going to "non-alcoholic" parties, and working out but those things are no longer my priority. I know God has called me to the ministry and I have set my sites on becoming the best. I've always been a person that puts all I have into where I'm going. Some people can be amazing at a bunch of different things but I feel blessed if I can be good at one. I see now that my lifestyle change has came because my goals have changed. I spend more time working out my mind than I do my body, I take more time to focus on God than I ever have, I enjoy just talking to people more than ever.

God has taken me a long way. I've made some changes by choice and some changes accidently but I am confident that God is directing my every move. He is molding me to becoming the leader He wants and I'm open to anything he wants to try. If God has changed my priorities this much in a year, I can't wait to see where I will be in 50 years.

I'll Let You Know When I Get There,
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Where Am I?

I am pumped for something I will be doing later in the week. On Thursday I am getting on a jet plane and heading to Berkeley, California to spend some time with a pastor that I look up to a ton. Him and his wife have just moved to Berkeley to plant a church. Now I have never experienced Berkeley but from what I hear it is not your grandma's old neighborhood. I hear it is a place filled with innovators, intellectuals, and people that can make a computer control their tv, microwave, and car all at the same time. All I hear is that this place is nuts.

I think that excites me more than anything.

I can't wait to see how a great man of God and a great woman of God are taking on this city, that quite honestly sees no need for Christianity. I can't wait to learn how to immerse myself in a culture that I may not be familiar with at all. I truly believe that this trip will benefit the future of the ministry God has called me to in great ways. I plan on learning a ton and can't wait to see what God is stirring up in Berkeley, CA.

I'll Let You Know What I Find,
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Do I Have To?

Sunday's are incredible days. It's so weird for me to say that because I used to dread them. Don't get me wrong I never had a problem with church but Sunday's used to seem like a hassle. In high school I made a lot of mistakes and church is the last place I would want to be. I felt guilty walking into the building and hanging with people I have grown up with, especially after a week of making mistakes.

I'm so glad I went (or at least glad my parents talked me into it).

It turns out that the people in my church are the ones who care about me most. They all knew I wasn't at my best but chose to always believe in me and support me as a student and athlete. They prayed for me and challenged me to stop making mistakes but when it came down to it they loved me and looked past all my shortcomings. The church has changed my life. Now that I have accepted the call to full time ministry God has placed on my life I see how the church has changed so many lives. It's not a place to feel guilty for all the wrong choices you've made, it's a place to find the fulfillment of life and people that want to live that life with you. I love the church and can't wait to be able to call it my full time workplace.

I Hope To See You There
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New Year new me.

Alright, I've honestly never been the resolution type but I think this year is a little different.

I don't want to mix up everything in my life because in a lot of ways things are healthy and positive. There are a few things I know I need to work on and would love to step up in '09. Here are a few:

1. I need to start working out steadily again. I've only been out of HS for a year and I'm already compromising hitting the weights.

2. I get way to upset at other drivers and need to just chill out. Now this may seem like a stupid one but trust me it's a big time character creep and if I want my life as a man of God to be on track I need to work on it.

3. I will be patient. This one ties on to #2 but trust me it applies to my life. I like the world moving at a fast pace and this tends throw off my perception of reality. I need to learn that waiting for something is perfectly ok.

4. I need to live life in the hear and now but make choices today that will have a positive effect on the future. Basically I need to start growing up and planning for where I feel led in the next 5 to 10 years. I need to pray hard for God's direction on my ministry and life and take the necessary steps to continue to drastically move towards His will.

Those are four of the resolutions I will be working on this year. All seem obtainable for this year but I know they will be hard work. I need to focus on making healthy habits both spiritually and physically that will better my life and walk with God.

Can't wait to see what God has in store for 2009.

Happy New Year,
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