I'm A Nerd.

I can't believe where God has taken me. For some reason I landed in a Starbucks after Transit last night and it got me to thinking...

What has happened to me.

I mean this is a good way though. After my visit to Starbucks to listen to a podcast, I found my self driving across the street to see if Barnes and Noble was open. What am I becoming?

I've went from Sporting Goods store to bookstores, house parties to coffee shops, weightlifting to book reading, sports freak to computer nerd.

The transformation God has made in my life blows my mind. Don't get me wrong, I still love sports, going to "non-alcoholic" parties, and working out but those things are no longer my priority. I know God has called me to the ministry and I have set my sites on becoming the best. I've always been a person that puts all I have into where I'm going. Some people can be amazing at a bunch of different things but I feel blessed if I can be good at one. I see now that my lifestyle change has came because my goals have changed. I spend more time working out my mind than I do my body, I take more time to focus on God than I ever have, I enjoy just talking to people more than ever.

God has taken me a long way. I've made some changes by choice and some changes accidently but I am confident that God is directing my every move. He is molding me to becoming the leader He wants and I'm open to anything he wants to try. If God has changed my priorities this much in a year, I can't wait to see where I will be in 50 years.

I'll Let You Know When I Get There,

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