Dust It Off

There's something about the way it speaks to you...

I have began to read the Bible the entire way through for the first time in my life.

I bought "Pause", the year read-through Message Bible and I'm loving it. I have missed so much. I've sat in church almost twice every week since I was born but there is so much I've never heard. I can't believe how the Bible speaks to me in new and different ways each time I read it. It tends to hit me right where I'm at.

God uses His word to speak. Oh man, does it speak. I am shaken to the core when I read something that someone experienced thousands of years ago that relates to where I am today. I am given examples of lives that are lived close to God and lives that are far off His way. I see that God uses the screw-ups before He uses the "goody-goods". His word is like no other. The parts I used to abandon and shrug off as unimportant are the parts that resonate in my soul.

The wonders of creation are breathtaking, the formation of Israel is incredible, Jesus ministry journey is prophetic, Moses life is inspiring. I'm only 22 days into my Bible but everything I have read so far is speaking directly to my heart. God is teaching me so many new things through His word.

The only thing that upsets me is that I've had this knowledge at my fingertips the entire time I've been able to read and I've never done anything with it. I've had God's written word for my life in front of me and instead I've been waiting for a miraculous sign.

Read your Bible. It's His word. It allows you to sit down each day and be mentored by the greatest teacher of all. Get into Gods word!

I'm Way Better At Sword Drills,

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