Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for people like this:

And people like this:

Don't use these when you're putting up lights tomorrow!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Be Different

What makes you different than the person next to you?

Whether you're at work, school, home, or in the car (uh...), what makes you unique in comparison with that person.

Is it your hair color, your talents, your background, your body composition, or something else?

As distinct as all these characteristics are, there should be one that stands out above the rest.

If you are a Christian the Holy Spirit should be seeping out of your pores. There should be that something that makes you different. You should walk different, talk different, and look different because the Spirit of God lives in you.

This thought has really been challenging me lately. Shouldn't we, as Christians, be different than the rest of the world? Don't get me wrong, we're not to be weird or arrogant, but we should live different lives. We should be intentionally pleasing God with our choices. We shouldn't have to quickly change how we act when we run into our Christian friends or pastor outside of the church. We should live a lifestyle that is completely saturated by the Holy Spirit.

I've had to make some major adjustment based on this life principle. I believe that the music I listen too, the movies I watch, and the places I go all display something to the world. That doesn't mean I only listen to Carman and watch Salty The Singing Songbook reruns, but it does mean I am careful about what I feed into my heart and mind and about the image I portray to the people around me. I don't want to seem like everyone else. I have no desire to be society's norm.

I want to be different.

I want the Spirit's presence in my life to be obvious, to non-Christians and Christians alike.

I want people to look at me and know that my faith is what makes me who I am.

Shouldn't you want to be different too?


P.S. - If you want to read a great book on the topic of the Holy Spirit in our lives, check out "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan.
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What Do You See?

What do you see when you are in the grocery?

What do you see when you are at the mall?

What do you see when you are driving to work?

Do you see what God see's?

I have really been striving to view life through the eyes of God. I want to see creation like He does. I want watch the mountains bowing down, I want to see the night sky reflecting His creativity, and most importantly I want to see beyond the exterior of the people around me.

God's depth is so far beyond our comprehension. As hard as I try, I won't ever be able to see creation through the fullness of God's sight. Nevertheless, I truly believe that if we could gain God's view of creation, it would completely change the way we live our lives.

I want to experience this. I know I will never, ever, be able to have the full wisdom or insight of God, but I do believe He allows us little glimpses here and there. It's through His Earth, through His creation, through His people.

So, what do you see today?


4 Things I Can't Wait For (Youth Convention Edition) Part Four

So it's the Monday after.

Convention has passed and the work/school week has begun.

What will Youth Convention be this year? It was great, fun, exciting, exhausting, etc; but what will it be?

The fourth "thing" I can't wait for, is the take home. I want to see the life change that happened this weekend reverberate throughout our schools, workplaces, churches, and homes. I don't want Convention to be another year of emotional and spiritual highs to return back to a life of monotony. We must take this weekend and allow it to be the start of something big. Every commitment we made with God has to stick, we must be the difference. God is expecting a deeper relationship with us, are we ready?

This weekend changed everything...

It's time to get activated!

What A Weekend,

Tim Black: The Mastermind

Thanks for all you do Tim!

The Edge

This is the place for growing leaders.

It's a collection of incredible people under the best leadership around.

If you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself check out The Edge!

Worth Dying For Interview

This worship band rocked our stage! We were so blessed to have them as a part of what we do.

Check them out at www.worthdyingfor.com and the internship at www.thestadiumu.com

Channing Frye Shout-Out!

He's tall, I'm medium (watch it), enjoy the angle.


The Real Thing

YC goes beyond the service. This is what it looks like:

Share the love,

This Changes Everything

Back and kicking for day two of Youth Convention 2009.

I'm currently sitting in the auditorium as 2000+ Arizona Jr. High and High School students worship God with all they have.

Today we find a way...

To go deeper,

To worship more sincerely,

To build more relationships,

To be more like Christ,

To change everything...

These are the students of Arizona, this is the weekend they begin to change history.

I Hope You're Ready,

Service Night One

Here are a couple of videos from tonight's service. Pastor Allen Griffin brought it and Worth Dying For led us into God's presence:

The night is closed and the students are heading to late night down on the youth walk. God moved, lives were rocked, and we are already anticipating tomorrow! I hope you are enjoying this inside look of azyc09. The Arizona Students are world changers!

So Much More On The Way,

Worship Night 1

Channing Frye On Stage

Countdown To Convention

Jordan's Rap

Creation Dance

Bull Pull

40 Second Dance

Bohemian Rhapsody

Stupid Human Trick

Hot Dog Contest

Pop Lock Dance

Pre Show Intro

1 Hour And Counting...

We are less than one hour away from the biggest night in Arizona AG Youth history. This really is going to change everything. Everyone is in place and the day is flying by. The band has sound checked, the dancers have practiced, the ________ have _________ed. Now all we need is the seats filled.

I can't wait for this to begin. The wait is killing me. I'm running out of things to say to you guys. My computer is almost dead and my phone is on overload. All I can say is...


This is going to change AZ Youth history, forever!

It's Being Brought,

(PS-Look for video updates of service throughout the night!)

Lights, Sounds, & Screens

"This is where the magic happens". These guys are the brains of our operations. Tonight will be the best production in azyc history.

Running Like A Headless Chicken,

Pre-Show Run Thru

We can only hope you're this excited...

Just wait for the show.

4 Things I Can't Wait For (Youth Convention Edition) Part Three

You know, it's actually kind of difficult to narrow my "4 Things I Can't Wait For" down to just "4 things". I am actually, completely excited for every part of Youth Convention. There is so much work being put in all across the board and I know it will show throughout this weekend. When the students file in and all the seats are filled, we will know exactly what is about to take place.

Having said all of that, if I have to narrow it down I would say that #3 on my list of "can't wait for's" is the altar.

If you have never experienced a Youth Convention altar call then I encourage you find a means of transportation and head to Phoenix First tomorrow night around 8:30. You won't be able to get in, but you will be able to feel the presence of God seeping through the door cracks.

When you gather 2000 eager and accepting students in one auditorium and they seek after God, mountains can truly move. The altar is the most dynamic part of Youth Convention. Now, I'm not saying that because we're at Youth Convention, God decides to give us a little more than anyone else, but I am saying that because we expect it He shows up in force.

(Now if we could just take that back to our churches. Oh wait, that's for later. ;-) )

The altar is going to be a place where the hard work and prayer that is going into AZYC09 pays off. Lives are going to be changed and Christ is going to do what He does, seek and save.

Be Prepared,

Final Touches

It's taking form...YOU will complete it.

Bring It!


Want To See The Preshow Cue Sheet?

You didn't think I was going to give away all the secrets, did you?

Not Quite Yet,

4 Things I Can't Wait For (Youth Convention Edition) Part Two

I cannot wait for Lunch on Saturday...

Wait, what?

Yeah, seriously, I can't wait for lunch, and it's not because of the food either.

I am pumped for the break between sessions because that means it's time to connect. Youth convention is more than just the show and service. It's about the students and youth leaders of Arizona coming together in unity to get to know God and each other. That's why lunch is so important. It will be time to meet new people, catch up with old friends, and build deeper relationships with my group. It's a chance to share ideas with other leaders, discuss service, and chug your favorite drink all in a 2 hour and 15 minutes time increment. If you can't tell already, I love connecting with people and talking with them about who they are and what they do. Lunch will provide a perfect platform for me to do that.

So, all of that being said, come and find me at lunch on Saturday. Introduce yourself and who knows, maybe I'll throw a video or ridiculous picture of you up here on the blog. I want to meet you and I want to know what makes you, you!

Happy Lunching,

Stage Set Pics

The stage set for AZYC09 is starting to come together:

This Changes Everything...

Official AZYC09 Blog

4 Things I Can't Wait For (Youth Convention Edition) Part One

This weekend over 2000 students will gather together at Phoenix First Assembly for the Arizona Assembly of God District Youth Convention. This year is going to be unlike any we've ever had and I can't tell you enough how pumped I am to see everything come together.

Over the next 4 days I am going to highlight some incredible things that I can't wait to experience this weekend. Hopefully Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I will be able to post some video of everything that is taking place at convention.

The first part of AZYC09 that I'm pumped about is:

The Preshow.

This year ThreeSixty (our youth ministry @Phoenix First) is heading up the preshow.

I can't even tell you how stoked I am to see everything come together. This is going to be a night unlike any we've had at Youth Convention. Now, I'm not just saying this because we are doing it, I really mean it's going to be awesome. God has provided us with some incredible means to be able to do some larger than life things for the preshow this years. So, for about the first hour in the auditorium we will be eating, jumping, pulling, exploding, locking, painting, popping, and even rhyming our way into the open of Youth Convention 2009. "This Changes Everything" is the Speed The Light theme for '09 and the preshow will truly be living up to this theme.

If you are a student or youth worker/leader and are attending Arizona Youth Convention 2009 make sure to have your students in their seats and ready for an incredible night as close to 6pm on Friday as possible. You don't want to miss the preshow!

If you have no clue what Youth Convention is but want to see what I'm talking about be sure to check back here at Revamp often this week, as I will be posting videos, pictures, and who knows what else to keep you in the loop with Arizona Youth Convention 2009!

Let's Get Things Activated,

The iHeart Film

We are about 5 hours away from this:

Which theater are you going to be at tonight?
