Welcome Back

It's back to work for me. Today marks the opening of Spring Training for me. The A's truck will arrive in Phoenix and I am going to spend the day unloading that truck and preparing the clubhouse for players, coaches, and staff.

I can't wait for the season to begin. If you don't already know, I work for the Oakland Athletics during Spring Training and the Arizona Diamondbacks regular season. I have grown up playing baseball and have a heart to see the players changed and living for God. I want this season to be different. I want to take the initiative to be able to witness to the players and my co-workers. I know God doesn't need me, but at the same time I believe he has put me where I am for a specific reason.

The most influential people in the world are the ones who need God for our sake. They are the ones kids admire and adults want to be. It's the athletes, actors, musical artist. This demographic of influence has the potential to do so much for the Kingdom. I believe that God has put me in a place to influence. I serve the players and I know that by doing so I have an in that most people don't. Being able to be around world renown people allows them to let there guard down, which in turn allows the Holy Spirit to work it's way to the heart.

Again, I believe this year will be different. I know God is going to use me in huge ways. I'm prepared and better equipped to share the gospel with these people. I know that God has heard my prayer and will provide opportunities for me to witness. I know that others are constantly praying for me as though I'm a missionary to a strange foreign land. In some ways it feels like I am...

Who are you called to reach? What is your demographic.

Where can you witness somewhere that nobody else is?

The Boys Of Summer Are Back,
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