Everyday my prayer is to live with an intentional fervor for God. I want to live each day fighting back my human nature and seeking to please my perfect Creator.
As you probably could've guessed, I often fail miserably.
I'm not perfect, I know this, but it doesn't mean I can't strive to be.
See, I understand that no one other than God is perfect but I don't agree with not even trying perfection.
Stick with me...
I'm not saying to simply act perfect, but to live striving for perfection. The only true example we have is that of Christ. We are told almost every Sunday that we are to live in His example; how else can this happen unless we strive to be perfect.
Now the heartbreaker...
We can't do it. We'll never be perfect, but when we are brought to this reality the humbling process strengthens us. With His help we are His righteousness. We are His hands and feet. We are Him to those around us.
I can live with that. Shoot, I would be his armpit if I could. Anything in me that resembles Christ satisfies my heart.
Live intentionally today. Know that there are billions of people out there striving for perfection just like you. When you fail let Him build you back up. Live humbly and walk in righteous confidence.
At the end of the day He is still God and He still loves you.
Let's Start Now,
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