A Real African American

I'm getting ready to head out to a high school basketball game and it got me to thinking. Isn't our country incredible?

The thing is, I am going to watch a new student from our church play in his first regular season game in America. His name is Blondy Baruti and he's a 6' 9" center from the Congo in Africa. He has been coming to our church about 3 months and just moved to the U.S. this year. Now he is the star player and social king on the Mesa High School basketball team.

This is crazy. Less than a year ago he lived in a worn torn country where people go day in and day out fighting to survive. Now he is in the greatest nation in the world playing on a public high school basketball team.

Blondy is America. He is what so many around the world wish to become and what some envy so incredibly much. He is the story of our ancestors. He is example of the strive to pursue the dream that dwells deep within their hearts. He is an incredible kid and will be an incredible man of God. He displays humbleness and a true sense of gratefulness towards God. The sad thing is that many students today take opportunity for granted. He knows what it means to be thankful. He knows what it means to go from limited opportunity to limitless opportunity and he approaches his dreams with a humble heart.

He has challenged me to think about all that I have done in my 18 years on this Earth. I have been blessed to have been born in the USA with the entire world at my fingertips. He had to push, he had to dream, he had to survive to get to the place that God so graciously chose for me.

I encourage to take some time to thank God for where you are right now. The struggles, the homework, the hurt, the past...none of that matters. You are sitting in the greatest country on the entire planet. A land where you struggle to choose a career because that freedom is so overwhelming. A nation that allows you to live right next door to a Muslim, and have a Christian, and a Jew both across the street and on the other side. One that allows you to live out the dreams and goals that your Creator has placed deep inside.

Stop asking God to bless the U.S.A. if you don't take the time to bless him.

Live American,


1 comment:

Star Forbis said...

I wish Sheriff Joe Arpio would read this! ;) Awesome Insight! This is what makes America great. It's why America was founded in the beginning, so many people have forgotten that.
God Bless America.

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