Stop Staring at the Sun

Just the other night I was rolling the garbage can to the curb and thinking about the greatness of God.

Not because of the odor of the garbage reminded me of sin that his son Jesus has kicked to the curb, or something cheesy like that. Instead my mind was racing due to something I couldn't see.

The sun rises every morning. Whoa, I knew this one would be deep. But seriously, come on, without the sun we cease to exist. This gigantic ball of fire in the middle our galaxy is the center point of humanity. It gives us heat, it lights our days, it provides energy for creation to exist. All in all it is a very important ball of gas. The thing that took my mind on an adventure was the fact that we expect it to rise every morning.

I can't see the sun at night but I still know and believe that it is there.

I began to wonder how a world that relies on something they can't see or feel for almost half of their day, struggles with the concept of a living God. We have complete confidence that in the morning the bright rays of the sun will illuminate our day but when it comes to a God that is always in us and evident all around us we just seem to refuse to grasp Him. Think about it. God created the sun. He created the moon. He made every plant, animal, and person you see both at night and in the morning. God knew what he was doing. Why do you think some animals are nocturnal? I like to think it's because God never sleeps and needs something to do while we are sawing logs. Just remember that God is even more reliable than the sun. As confident as we are about the sun rising in the morning, we should be even more confident about a God who never goes away. His Spirit covers all creation and his glory never ever sets. He is an amazing God and even through our finite Earth he has created us to depend solely on Him.

God doesn't hide until morning.

Count On Him,


Anonymous said...

Shane, I'm really enjoying your blog posts lately. I didn't know all this stuff was rattling around in that brain of yours, and it's exciting to see the Lord pulling it out of you! Keep it up!

Shane Sanchez said...

Thanks Tara. I really appreciate it. I have a lot of space in this noggin so I have to fill it with something! I figure it might as well be useful stuff.

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